Inner Voice Coaching

Maria in action

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What I Do


I help clients design goals to maximize success by helping them map out a strategy, break it down into actionable steps, prepare for obstacles and provide compassionate accountability.

Goal Setting Pays Dividends

Accomplishing goals, changes who you are and a goal once accomplished, gets absorbed Into your permanent identity.  You can forever point to it and say “I did that”.

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Goal Setting - Obstacles

With 100% certainty, you will come upon obstacles on the way to goal achievement. My job is to help you strategize to avoid being derailed.

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What are your Five WHYs?

When a client is stuck, I ask them “what are your five why’s” because the first three are the ones they have already considered and the last two are the ones that require some deeper and more creative thinking.

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What do Others Think your Strengths are?

What do others thing your strengths are?

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